Posts by superadmin
How Can You Bring Family Members Together When They Disagree about Care Decisions?
Homecare in Delray Beach FL: Family members sometimes get upset about care decisions because they want what’s best for your senior. Here’s how to cope.
Read MorePeople Who Have Aging Parents Insist Home Care Is Crucial
Elder Care in Delray Beach FL: What’s keeping you from talking to a home care agency? For many, it’s the uncertainty of bringing a stranger into the home. For others, there are worries about paying for caregivers.
Read MoreHow the Frail Elderly Benefit from In-home Elder Care
Elder Care in Palm Beach FL: According to the dictionary, frail elderly describes people that are over 75 years old that have physical or mental impairments that limit their daily functions.
Read MoreMarch is Save Your Vision Month: How to Protect Senior Eyes
Senior Care in Boca Raton FL: One of the health problems that can come with aging is eye problems. Some eye problems that affect seniors can threaten their vision and may cause permanent vision loss.
Read MoreLupus – What Are the Symptoms?
Home Care in Greenacres FL: As an autoimmune disease, Lupus occurs when the body attacks itself. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the most common form and has no cure.
Read MoreHow Do You Help Your Dad With Oral Care When Arthritis Affects His Fingers?
Caregiver in Wellington FL: Arthritis makes it hard to grip items. There’s the swelling and stiffness that can make it hard to hold a small toothbrush handle. Holding onto tiny pieces of floss is also impossible.
Read MoreHow to Avoid Slip and Fall Accidents at Home
Senior Care in Wellington FL: Elderly adults don’t always have good balance or strong muscles to reduce their risk of suffering an injury if they should fall.
Read MoreElder Care Focus: Mobility Support
Mobility support is just one of the many personalized services an elderly home care services provider can give to your parent, but it can be one of the most meaningful.
Read MoreHow Can You Help to Ensure Your Senior Eats Well?
Elderly Care in Palm Beach FL: You may find that one of your more challenging tasks as a family caregiver is getting the right nutritional balance for your aging adult. With some careful planning, you can set up a system that works for both of you.
Read MoreHow Often Should Your Parent Complete These Household Chores?
Elder Care in Boynton Beach FL: Your mom and dad have a harder time keeping up with housework. You’ve noticed some cleaning tasks are not getting done when you’re not there.
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